Felted Knit Wool Bracelets

How to Make Felted Knit Wool Bracelets
Imaginative Crafts, Do-It-Yourself Projects and Video Tutorials by Robert Mahar, robert-mahar.com
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Automatic spool knitter (typically comes with tapestry needle and weighted clip)*
Wool yarn
Wood beads

*Online source for automatic spool knitter: http://www.joann.com/embellish-knit-machine/7350374.html#q=knit+machine&start=5

1) Thread lighter weight wool yarn into automatic spool knitter following manufacturer’s instructions. Slowly turn crank to create 8-10″ of knitted cord.

2) Thread yarn tail into tapestry needle and through the four open loops at end of cord and cinch closed. Then thread yarn through a wood bead, tie yarn tails from either end of cord to create a loop/bracelet. Cut excess.

3) Zip bracelet into wash bag, send through washing machine on a hot water cycle. Removed washed/felted bracelet from wash bag and allow to air dry.