Foliage Wreath Tutorial 101

How to Make a Foliage Wreath
Imaginative Crafts, Do-It-Yourself Projects and Video Tutorials by Robert Mahar,
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Fresh foliage
Wire wreath form*
Floral wire

*Online source for wire wreath form:…

Wire cutters
Pruning shears

1. Begin by create a small bundle or bouquet of foliage, trimming pieces from the larger branches with sharp pruning shears.  It’s generally a good idea to begin with the larger leaved foliage on the bottom and stack the smaller varieties on top.

2. Once arranged as you like, trim the stems at the base of your.  Cut a length of floral wire and bind the bouquet together by tightly wrapping the stems.  Position the bouquet on the wreath form and continuing wrapping with the floral wire, securing it in place.

3. Create a second, similar sized bouquet of foliage, bind it with the floral wire and position on the wreath form so that it overlaps and conceals the stems of the first bouquet.  Continue this process working your way around the wreath form — altering the angles/placement of your bouquets slightly as you work so as to create a wreath that is consistently full all the way around.

4. When you get to your last bouquet, lift up the foliage from the first one and wire it the wreath form underneath.

5. Hang and enjoy!  It easy to hang the back of the wire wreath form directly over a nail or hook or add a loop of decorative ribbon from which to hang the wreath.

Helpful Tips:
• Use any type of foliage you’d like!  These directions are like a basic recipe — it’s up to you to get create with the ingredients!