How to Make Homemade Lotion Bars
Imaginative Crafts, Do-It-Yourself Projects and Video Tutorials by Robert Mahar,
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5 ounces beeswax
8 ounces sweet almond oil
4 ounces shea butter
2 ounces cocoa butter
Bergamot essential oil
Push tubes or molds
*Source for all materials:…
Microwave safe bowl
Spoon or wood craft sticks
1) Place the beeswax and sweet almond oil in a microwave safe bowl and microwave on high for one minute. Remove from microwave and stir. Microwave for an additional minute and stir again to melt these two ingredients completely.
2) Stir the shea butter and the cocoa butter into the melted beeswax/sweet almond oil mixture. Mix for 2 to 3 minutes and then add 6 drops of your bergamot essential oil (more or less according to your preference).
3) Pour the mixture into your push tubes or molds and allow them to set for at least one hour before moving or placing lids on them. At this point your lotion bars are ready to use and enjoy!
Helpful Tips:
• If your mixture becomes too lumpy at any point during the process, place it back in the microwave for 30 seconds and stir.
• This is a great base recipe but know that you can alter the ingredients according to your personal preferences. There are many great essential oils to choose from! Find a wide variety here: