Paper Elephant Mobile

How to Make a Paper Elephant Mobile
Imaginative Crafts, Do-It-Yourself Projects and Video Tutorials by Robert Mahar,
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Materials and Tools:
heavier colored paper (cardstock weight)
1″ round paper punch
craft knife
paper straw

Online sources:
Paper Source 5 ½” round circle cards, available in a variety of colors:…
Paper Source heart cards:…

1. Begin with a 5 1/2″ round paper circle (cardstock weight). Measure and cut 1″ off of one side of the circle.

2. Use a 1″ round paper punch to create a half-moon cut just right of center along the straight edge (cut in step one). This creates the space between the elephant’s legs.

3. Using scissors cut and elongated teardrop shape just left of center along the straight edge. This created the space between the elephant’s trunk and it’s body.

4. Using a 1/8″ round hole punch, punch a hole for the elephant’s eye and a second hold at the top of its back for hanging.

5. Cut a paper heart and fold in half. Trim the pointed edge of the heart off to create the elephant’s ears.

6. Position the elephant’s ears on its head and trace a line along the folded edge of the ears. Using a craft knife, cut along this trace line. Unfold the ears and slip one ear through the cut, allowing you to see the ears on both sides of the body.

7. Repeat and create two additional elephants, for a total of three.

8. Cut a length of twine and feed through a paper straw. Tie an elephant both ends of the twine.

9. Cut a send length of twine. Tie the center of the length of twine around the center of the straw. Tie the third elephant to one end of the twine and use the other end to hang the mobile.

PLEASE NOTE: This cute mobile is intended for decoration purposes only. It is not a toy and should not be hung above a baby’s crib.