Tassel Tutorial 101

How to Make Tassels
Imaginative Crafts, Do-It-Yourself Projects and Video Tutorials by Robert Mahar, robert-mahar.com
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Crochet thread (size 3)*

Sharp scissors
Small clip board**
Clear tape

*Source for crochet thread: http://www.joann.com/aunt-lydia-s-fas…
**Source for small clip board:http://www.officedepot.com/a/products…

1. Place the loose end of your crochet thread under the clip on the clip board and begin wrapping it lengthwise around the clip board – about 50 times.   When you’re finished wrapping, cut the crochet thread.

2. Cut a separate piece of crochet thread, about 12 inches in length, slide it under the crochet threads wrapped around the clip board and slide it down to the bottom of the clip board (opposite the clip end).  Tie a loose knot.

3. Gently slide all of the wrapped crochet thread off of the clip board.  Tighten the loose knot you created in the previous step and then double-knot it.  The tails of this knot will be the threads you use to hang the tassel.

4. Hold the tassel up by the hanging threads, smooth the fibers down and then cut through the bottom loop with sharp scissors.  Using a hair comb, comb through the fibers to smooth, straighten and untangle them.

5. Place the hanging threads under the clip on the clip board.  Cut a separate piece of crochet thread 2-3 feet in length.  Place this under the tassel on the clip board about an inch from the top of the tassel.  Position this piece of crochet thread so that the side that extends to the left of the tassel is slightly longer than the tassel itself — we’ll refer to this as the short end.

6. Tie a tight knot around the tassel, creating the top of the cuff that will hold the tassel fibers together.  After tying the knot, allow the short end to hang down as part of the tassel and then slowly and tightly begin wrapping the long end around and down the tassel.  You can create a cuff and long or short as you’d like — the cuff created in the video was wrapped about 6 times.  When you’re finished wrapping tie another tight knot allowing the tail to hang down with the other tassel fibers.

7. Again comb through the tassel fibers with a hair comb to smooth, straighten and untangle them.

8. To trim the bottom of the tassel and create an even cut, take a piece of clear tape and wrap it around the entire tassel at the point you’d like to trim.  Cut right through the wrapped tape with a pair of sharp scissors.  Remove the excess tape, shake out the tassel and trim any uneven fibers.

Helpful Tips:
• Place your ball of crochet thread in a bowl while you’re wrapping your clip board.  This will prevent it from jumping all over your work surface and leaping from the table!
• Experiment with all types of fibers when creating tassels — yarn, sewing thread, embroidery floss, ribbon!